
Showing posts from October, 2009

Mostly practicing and networking

I seem to be continuing to practice and practice. One thing this is showing me, is that I need to continue to do this to improve as a jazz improviser. I am often simply in the other room with a boombox and some Aebersolds.. ..when not cleaning the horn or running through basic chop "calisthenics". Otherwise, I will be playing something written, such as Rochut, or various recital style music....I have a bit of a collection of trombone recital type music.... Or.... I could be trying out some kind of "stunt".... Stunt stuff would be going over and playing and practicing something you would not normally think a bone player would do. Recent examples are: Circular breathing...more and more intricate efforts at polishing this activity. Using the Yamaha practice mute to create an electronic instrument similar to an electric guitar (solid body type). This is demonstrated by Italian trombonist Nicola Ferro : Or.... Learning the "Marie" trumpet solo...