New Career?

I've been spending so much time with Visual Basic and VBA code lately that my love of computer programming has risen up and pretty much taken over . . .again!

The last time I felt this way was during my stay working at Falcon Cable TV companies. I made up numerous macro and design improvements to various spreadsheets while working there. I realized then that coding would be a fun profession, but I did not want to consider moving from one, relatively complicated profession--accounting--into another relatively complicated profession--programming.

Now, I realize that programming comprises many different areas, including a very large training component, which I know I enjoy and a creative component, which I know I enjoy and has rewards that seem to match the "Edison Gene" type of personality that I seem to have.

I guess the best next steps are to continue to use the books I've bought in Visual Basic and SQL and Access to create solutions to different problems. The more comfortable I get with Access and other database back ends, while learning to code in VB, the better equipped I'll be to work as an addendum to an accounting department. This is actually a fairly common type of worker in a mid-sized and larger company. There are persons who are exclusively tasked with adapting databases to various business aspects and creating an interface with them to allow workers to use the database.

We'll see. This job of doing extended temp assigments also seems to line up pretty well with this as a career path. It will be interesting to see if Pandora Kehoe can come up with an assignment which uses my computer skill enough. Of course simply using accounting skills is fun too! That's like doing puzzles. . .



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