NYT Comes up with a MAJOR find! Egad! News is skewed by PSY-OPS

I had to laugh having consistently read the New York Times, at the TONE of concern in this article about psychological operations in the war on terror.

The NYT is simply the perfect place to go to study Psy-Ops. It engages in an advanced course of these operations every day and in every way. They have even created a television station to disseminate their unique view of the world. Together with CNN and the other Main Stream Media (MSM) the liberal intelligentsia has conducted a MIND-BENDING effort to change the world. . . .to MOLD the world into their political viewpoint.

The Times is particularly good at this type of operation. I've consistently noted various tricks used by the Times to bend reality to their viewpoint.

I'd love to see an article discussing every detail of how all the vast machinery of the Times operates. I'd particularly love to see transcripts of every word uttered in editorial review of articles as they make their way to print. After all, even the BEST journalists sometimes let something CONSERVATIVE actually slip into their writing. . .that is when the EDITOR steps in. . .and makes sure that the ultimate trend. . .the ultimate mind warp is LIBERAL!!!

I've been concerned about Psy-Ops for years. . .as I read it in the pages of the New York Times.

Chris Tune


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