Tough to LOOK AT. . .We Need to Remind Ourselves.
This video is very hard to look at. But we NEED to remind ourselves, not just of the events of 9-11, but of the nature of the enemy. We are at war, but so many of our populace simply ignore the fact.
This war is unlike any other in that it is fundamentally based not upon pure political matters like the two world wars, the Korean Conflict and Vietnam, but instead is based upon a distorted version of religious fervor.
One thing that libs do have right is their fear that religion can result in great, unrelenting, irrational violence. The Fascists, socialists and communists knew that too, and therefore they sought to create a religion of the state. The state takes the place of family and God.
Fast forward to today's middle east and outward to the festering pockets of militant extremist Islam, and you have the same thing, without a very clear political goal. The very fact that these people do not even have a clear idea what they would do, in detail, if they were to achieve their goals, speaks volumes about their effort.
Islamic terror will go on, and on. Be brave. We will need it. We will need it much more if we have a weak leader such as Obama, and we will still need it, if our leader is strong such as John McCain.
This war is unlike any other in that it is fundamentally based not upon pure political matters like the two world wars, the Korean Conflict and Vietnam, but instead is based upon a distorted version of religious fervor.
One thing that libs do have right is their fear that religion can result in great, unrelenting, irrational violence. The Fascists, socialists and communists knew that too, and therefore they sought to create a religion of the state. The state takes the place of family and God.
Fast forward to today's middle east and outward to the festering pockets of militant extremist Islam, and you have the same thing, without a very clear political goal. The very fact that these people do not even have a clear idea what they would do, in detail, if they were to achieve their goals, speaks volumes about their effort.
Islamic terror will go on, and on. Be brave. We will need it. We will need it much more if we have a weak leader such as Obama, and we will still need it, if our leader is strong such as John McCain.
We are in over 130 countries with over 700 bases overseas...this is a fact. We are spread so thin that our own national security is threatened. We have had troops in Korea, Europe and Japan for over 50 years. How many years is enough? Isn't an American presence in these places only supposed to be temporary, persisting only during the military emergencies that were cited as justification for bringing them there? We waste a staggering amount of manpower, hardware, and wealth on a bloated overseas presence that would be better devoted to protecting the United States itself. We need to be in one country and one country only: OUR OWN. We need to start listening to the Founding Fathers and start obeying the Constitution of the United States. This is the message of American security, fiscal sanity, and common sense.
I hope to hear back from you, Mr. Tune.
Unfortunately, this war has not been explained well by the present administration and by the news media. I tend to read extensively, as I'm sure you will be on the blogosphere, so I see a lot more than the average person about all the complexities in this situation in the middle east.
I also remember the exact reasons which we stated that we were going to war against the Sadaam Husein regime and why the administration said a generalized war against terror was needed.
I don't believe we have done as well as we should have in the generalized war against terror, but I DO BELIEVE we have achieved more success than failure so far. . .
The reason we went to war was NOT because Hussein attacked us.
The attackers on 9-11 were primarily individuals from Saudi Arabia, and nearby gulf states, who were allied against the West and against west-leaning middle eastern nations like Saudi-Arabia.
There is also the matter of Islam nd of the totalitarian regimes currently running several middle-eastern nations.
Al-Queda is based upon fundamentalist Islam and it's "Jihad" and also seeks to establish governments based upon Sharia and not upon a pluralistic or democratic tradition.
The reason to try and establish Democratic institutions around the world is because historically democratic institutions do not wage war (this has happened occasionally but rarely) upon their neighbors, nor do they attack unless attacked.
We should continue to discuss this, because this is an immensely complex issue and I'd like to spend more time discussing it with you.