Online Marketing is very interesting. There is an entire cottage industry of persons working in marketing and working entirely online. The infrastructure around this is getting more robust all the time. There are content curation and provisioning companies, and many major long standing vendors offer affiliate channels to encourage web creators to post affiliate linked ads on their sites. Although the conventional "purchase ad, and place online" model appears to reign supreme, there is this substantial, though smaller independent, third party marketplace where content creation, marketing and product curation and hosting is operating on a different basis.
So I am busying myself with Music and Computing
So it is fairly official: I am playing bone as much as is humanly possible, while also training and improving my computing skills (these devices seem to be with us for the long run...). So, it would also make sense for me to post here more often. I just got off a weekend out of town gig and am back in Van Nuys practicing, taking calls and cleaning up my kit (bones, clothes, mute bag) Will play a rehearsal tonight and a few this week, though Thanksgiving will interrupt and therefore this week will likely be light.