What is WRONG with Andy Rooney? . . .Noam Chompsky?

Andy Rooney says he is not going to think about those who have died to protect our country. . .he claims that war is our LEAST noble deed. . .he doesn't get it. He is so simple that he is not just a FOOL, but is FOOLING everyone. No nuance. . .no thought. . .no MEAT to his actual ravings. Does he honestly think that war against Hitler or against Pol Pot, or against EVIL. . .is not Noble? Not at ALL? Does he not discriminate between one action and another similar action? Can't he tell if WWII was justified on the part of the Allies? After all Hitler had repeatedly attacked most of Europe! This wasn't an action of Britain, or the U.S. Herr Hitler did it! Andy? . . . Andy? . . .WAKE UP!!!

Laura Ingraham lapsed a bit today. . she seemed to think that she has to respect her elders. . . .actually I believe the commandment is to "honor your mother and father. ." There is no requirement for a Christian to respect older folk who are obviously weak of mind. . .any Christian will doubtlessly LOVE this brother and will HELP this brother. . but he doesn't have to pay any mind to their ravings. . .


Ravings. . .LEBANNON is smarter than he thinks. . .there are lots of folk in LEBANNON who realize that the United States is not less conducive to PEACE than Hezboallah. . .or Hamas. . .they know what is actually going on in the Middle East. Hamas is not a bunch of Nuns or Priests. . .

Lebanese know Nuns and Priests. . .they have an active Christian community. .they are right on the path that the Moslem wave took early in its history. . .they know about radical Islam and will not forget just because some IDIOT from MIT comes over and deigns to speak on their "third world" (Chomsky's thoughts no doubt) broadcasts. . .

Chomsky will pass on sooner than most of us. . .that is small consolation but it is consolation nonetheless. . .



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