Our "Direct from Vegas" gig in February

This was a great gig. The "Direct from Vegas" The Rat Pack. . .show. This was Don Gustafson and myself on bones. . .Scott Strecker, leader. . .and other than hassles from Local 47, was a pure pleasure experience. . this was a "verbatim" style performance replicating the rat pack schtick. . you should know that is the way Sammy and Dean and Frank did it. . .they had written material which they tossed into the show in a loose, improvised manner. It allowed them to do shows solo, or with various combinations of the rat pack guys. . .I have a couple of show recordings of the three. . and a couple with just Frank or with just Dean. The same jokes. .different persons delivering. . different "victims". . .heh!. . .heh!

This is very funny and is done with a real, live big band! Posted by Picasa


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