Ann Coulter -- Republicans, Bloggers and Gays, Oh My!
Welcome to uExpress featuring Ann Coulter -- The Best Advice and Opinions The Universe! This only shows the complete and UTTER HYPOCRISY of those involved in fomenting this "scandal". Of course the very basis of the scandal is without merit. The pass is a "day pass", which is relatively easy to get. I'm sure that any one of several blogs could easily get these. The offense? Going easy on the POTUS. . . what? Like there are no liberal commentators to go "hard" on the guy? Or maybe there is no one in the liberal hard-ball press corps with a three digit IQ? [more likely] So this guy ran a male escort service years ago. . . We Republicans and Christians are so OVERFORGIVING. This is because we are the party of compassion. I forgot! That's SUPPOSED TO BE the Dems area of expertise. Well, right now they are excoriating an innocent man, because he was representing a conservative position, as a reporter at the White House and is, or was gay. Read ...