L.A. Daily News - Latest News

L.A. Daily News - Latest News

Here is Lisa Sodders story in yesterday's Daily News, a Los Angeles newpaper (#2 in LA). She mentions some having problems with Marvin due to the events of the past having resulted in fundraising deficiencies. .

That's true as far as that. . .but I happen to reviewed evidence that the board, through its treasurer received monthly bank statements DIRECTLY sent to the treasurer. What's more, all large expenditures must be signed by another board member other than Cobb. . .so its hard to believe that poor fundraising is the reason for firing Marvin. . .why not do that months ago, or even over a year ago when you first realized that fundraising sucked?

What's more, I see that Jeff McCombs was willing to comment that the CAD Board is now going to concentrate on better relations with its Coordinators (imagine one for each school district. . and you have the idea). I see that as "code" for "the coordinators who have been complaining the loudest". . .I mentioned those folks earlier. . .they are the ones who are disturbed that LAUSD dominates. . .little matter that they dominate due to starting study earlier. . .



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