U.S. Proposal in the O.A.S. Draws Fire as an Attack on Venezuela - New York Times
U.S. Proposal in the O.A.S. Draws Fire as an Attack on Venezuela - New York Times: "Last month, however, he and other administration officials made several statements tying the effort directly to their concern about Hugo Chavez, Venezuela's populist, anti-American president. Mr. Chavez has curtailed some press freedoms and judicial independence while forming close ties with Cuba, an alliance that, more than anything else, infuriates some Bush administration officials."
Do you see anything patently illogical? Let me help. . . .the New York Times espouses freedom of the press. . . .the New York Times is concerned about "the independence of the judiciary" unless we are talking about red-shirted and communist leaning latin-american leaders. Hugo Chavez is just another country's leader to the Times. The respect that is paid to these tyrants is beyond my understanding. Chavez is in the process of joining Castro as the "Executioner of the Year" in Latin America. There are freedom loving people there in Venezuela, who are now wondering what their future will hold. Will they ever have a leader other than Mr. Chavez? Not if Mr. Chavez has a say. . . .
The text here is bizarre--"infuriates some Bush administration officials"? Which officials are not mad at this stuff? In fact which Republicans are not absolutely outraged at a union of these two despicable tyrants? The answer: NONE. . . .everybody knows that this is an evil marriage made in HELL! Well, the gullible Hollywood liberal like Steven Spielberg probably thinks this is just another very adroit action by the charming Mr. Castro. . . .What a MAROON! That is why we don't often look to the entertainment community for our leaders. . .they are just as likely to be taken in by a Carnival Barker, as to BE a Carnival Barker. . .but that is another story. . .
Why does a sovereign nation such as Venezuela need to have massive foreign aid from a nation such as Cuba? Since massive burearcratic support from Cuba (already completely documented. . .) cannot possibly be to increase wealth in oil-rich Venezuela, does it seem to you that Mr. Chavez most likely wants to exert the kind of control over his populace that has been set and maintained for decades in Cuba? That is my theory. . .Chavez is seeking to reproduce the Castro-effect. . .a lifelong dictator-ship which defies all logic and lasts beyond all reckoning.
Perhaps this sad situation might be an interesting test of several parties:
The Hollywood liberal cabal will be tested to see if they understand ANYTHING about reality. . . .If they do, they will visit the downtrodden in Cuba and Venezuela
The liberal press will be tested to see if they report the actions in Cuba and Venezuela accurately and sufficiently. . . .If they actually do their job they will report the atrocities in these countries. . .they've already HINTED as some (curtailing judicial and press portions of society)
Our government will be tested to see if they back down in the face of the two country coalition between oil-rich Venezuela and Communism-rich Cuba. . . Since we've got a decent administration this time, I predict that there will be no backing down from our Executive government.
Why does this newspaper word this article like this? Don't they understand that Fidel Castro was welcomed to New York city as an American who had liberated his county and was going to bring Democracy to the island nation of Cuba, only to have Castro turn to the U.S.S.R. and betray the United States, the country that taught him so much? Fidel Castro was always and always will be a very clever opportunist. He is taking the opportunity of dealing with this neighbor and running with it. . . .perhaps he can annex Venezuela and its wealth? Maybe they start an organization of socialist states in Latin America? Who knows? Regardless, the union is intended to benefit two persons above all: Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez!
This is the law of unintended consequences shown large: The revolutionary intends to help the proletariat, the ordinary worker. . .in reality, the regular guy is the last person on the list of those helped by Socialism and Communism. We've seen this over and over and over. . .it's been well established!
No attack on these two can be enough! They are evil! Think! You will come to that conclusion in the end!
Do you see anything patently illogical? Let me help. . . .the New York Times espouses freedom of the press. . . .the New York Times is concerned about "the independence of the judiciary" unless we are talking about red-shirted and communist leaning latin-american leaders. Hugo Chavez is just another country's leader to the Times. The respect that is paid to these tyrants is beyond my understanding. Chavez is in the process of joining Castro as the "Executioner of the Year" in Latin America. There are freedom loving people there in Venezuela, who are now wondering what their future will hold. Will they ever have a leader other than Mr. Chavez? Not if Mr. Chavez has a say. . . .
The text here is bizarre--"infuriates some Bush administration officials"? Which officials are not mad at this stuff? In fact which Republicans are not absolutely outraged at a union of these two despicable tyrants? The answer: NONE. . . .everybody knows that this is an evil marriage made in HELL! Well, the gullible Hollywood liberal like Steven Spielberg probably thinks this is just another very adroit action by the charming Mr. Castro. . . .What a MAROON! That is why we don't often look to the entertainment community for our leaders. . .they are just as likely to be taken in by a Carnival Barker, as to BE a Carnival Barker. . .but that is another story. . .
Why does a sovereign nation such as Venezuela need to have massive foreign aid from a nation such as Cuba? Since massive burearcratic support from Cuba (already completely documented. . .) cannot possibly be to increase wealth in oil-rich Venezuela, does it seem to you that Mr. Chavez most likely wants to exert the kind of control over his populace that has been set and maintained for decades in Cuba? That is my theory. . .Chavez is seeking to reproduce the Castro-effect. . .a lifelong dictator-ship which defies all logic and lasts beyond all reckoning.
Perhaps this sad situation might be an interesting test of several parties:
The Hollywood liberal cabal will be tested to see if they understand ANYTHING about reality. . . .If they do, they will visit the downtrodden in Cuba and Venezuela
The liberal press will be tested to see if they report the actions in Cuba and Venezuela accurately and sufficiently. . . .If they actually do their job they will report the atrocities in these countries. . .they've already HINTED as some (curtailing judicial and press portions of society)
Our government will be tested to see if they back down in the face of the two country coalition between oil-rich Venezuela and Communism-rich Cuba. . . Since we've got a decent administration this time, I predict that there will be no backing down from our Executive government.
Why does this newspaper word this article like this? Don't they understand that Fidel Castro was welcomed to New York city as an American who had liberated his county and was going to bring Democracy to the island nation of Cuba, only to have Castro turn to the U.S.S.R. and betray the United States, the country that taught him so much? Fidel Castro was always and always will be a very clever opportunist. He is taking the opportunity of dealing with this neighbor and running with it. . . .perhaps he can annex Venezuela and its wealth? Maybe they start an organization of socialist states in Latin America? Who knows? Regardless, the union is intended to benefit two persons above all: Fidel Castro and Hugo Chavez!
This is the law of unintended consequences shown large: The revolutionary intends to help the proletariat, the ordinary worker. . .in reality, the regular guy is the last person on the list of those helped by Socialism and Communism. We've seen this over and over and over. . .it's been well established!
No attack on these two can be enough! They are evil! Think! You will come to that conclusion in the end!